Kingsway Watermelon Bonbons 150g (UK)

Kingsway Watermelon Bonbons 150g (UK)

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Chewy lollies covered in a fine icing dust. Pop a watermelon bon bon in your mouth for a refreshing splash of summer fruit.Made in FranceBefore you stuff a couple of watermelon bon bons in your mouth, there are a few other sensory delights you might wish to appreciate. First of all, have a look at them, proudly displayed on your candybuffet table in that vivid green. The colour of these lollies will be a talking point among your guests, that's for sure. Then close your eyes and inhale the fresh and delicious scent of summer. When you can't stand the wait any longer, indulge in a watermelonbonbon, one that lasts and lasts. Did we mention their chewy, gooey centres? That's another wonderful surprise. 